Friday 6 April 2007

Misandrist Advertisements

Campaign against Misandrist Advertisements on Television

Dear Reader,
Its about time that men hit back at all the television adverts that portray men as being stupid, idiotic and no good for anything, whilst women are classed as being smart, sensible and pleased at getting one up on males.
I am making a complaint to the Advertising Standards Agency, about misandric television advertisements and am asking for your support by emailing the ASA or writing to them.
The contact details are;
Advertising Standards Authority
Mid City Place
71 High Holborn

I will now explain my motives for making what I consider to be a serious complaint about the treatment males receive in many of the advertisements, which have been shown in the past and present on all the commercial television channels.
I work with young adults 16-19 at a local further education college and am really dismayed with the lack of self esteem, low confidence and down trodden feeling that persists in many young males. I have also noticed in some cases how females denigrate males as being useless and unworthy.When I speak to some about my concerns I get mixed opinions from ‘well it’s all just a joke’ or ‘it’s about time the tables were turned’. The more educated know that if you keep depicting someone or a proportion of the population as being useless they will perceive themselves as useless. This condition causes people to react in different ways, from being violent and destructive to becoming introverted, depressed and dependant on drugs, either prescribed or non-prescribed.
I firmly believe that this form of advertising is a contributing factor to some of the serious social problems this country has today.I could point to research and evidence and give facts and figures about higher crime rates, psychological disorders and suicides in young males and their lower achievement in education, but these are or should be common knowledge.I believe that everyone regardless of gender, sexuality, race and ability whatever should be valued and protected from those (advertising agencies) who would condition them into thinking they are stupid, not worthy and second best just so they can sell a product . If the same treatment was given to females the feminist groups would be up in arms about it.
Just supposing that all the males in these adverts where black, then the racial groups would also be up in arms and the adverts would be banned.

Please help to put an end to these corrupting advertisements
Write or email the ASA today
Here is a list of demeaning adverts on TV in February 2007

21/02/07 06:50; Kalms (Product that helps you sleep) C4 Animated woman cannot sleep, looks at male sleeping soundly. Takes Kalms and then with a smile pushes sleeping male out of bed.

21/02/07 17:26; Maltesers ITV1 Woman doesn’t feel naughty because she’s eating Maltesers, so she flashes at male who then falls over, throwing papers into air and seems totally shocked by the event.

21/02/07 20:35; Vauxhall Corsa C4 A female puppet is pinning down male puppet. Sees Corsa shouts cmon. Male puppet exits lift and gets trapped in lift, which starts to unravel his knitting. Female on top of roof watering plants turns and sees Corsa, sprays male puppet with hose, he then falls of chair. Another advert shows male puppet receiving a balloon from female and gets dragged away by balloon.

21/02/07 21:35; AA Motor InsuranceITV1 Woman (Mother) picks up teenage male (son) who is sullen. She proceeds to conduct a conversation answering for him about how she managed to get cheaper car insurance from the AA team. (I wonder what made himthat way)

22/02/07 22:05; Fabreeze ITV1 Teenage male has head stuck in sofa supposedly smelling how nice it is. Then mother comes in with clothes basket. He picks up pair of boxer shorts puts them over his head, and then proceeds to walk into a wall.

24/02/07 18:15; Comfort ITV1 Animated good looking girl made from patchwork fabrics is strolling along and has all the males drooling over her. All the males have cardboard jeans and are walking stiff legged.

24/02/07 21:35; Proton Savvy C5 Woman gets shopping out of car. Man (Stalker) is taking pictures of her and the car from bushes. Woman sets dogs on to him.

3/03/07 18:16; Fairyconomy C5 Fairy Washing Up Liquid Two bungling men bank robbers. One has a supposedly cheap stocking over his head that ruptures thus revealing his face. They are then seen miserably washing dishes in prison.

4/3/07 19:36; Oatabix C4 Breakfast cereal Truck appears with Not-made-from-wheat-made-from-oats-abix. Man says ‘what this then’. Truck driver explains. Woman says they should have called it Oatabix.

5/3/07 20:46; Hoolahoops C4 Snack food Male gym teacher in school has two hoolahoops on a pencil doing weightlifting in front of the mirror.

5/3/07 16:43; Orville Redenbacher C4 Microwave Popcorn Family look forward to night in with DVD. Mum prepares popcorn in microwave. Dad has forgotten to get DVD! The theme is always the same men are stupid, women are smart!

The scenario is always the same women are smart men are stupid.

The amount of time children spend looking at these adverts on television gives them the impression that this is the way it is. The consequences are that females grow up disrespectful of males hence our high divorce rates and one parent families that burden the state with a gigantic bill for benefits. The damage to males that grow up with an inferiority complex. Is it no wonder that boys are not achieving in schools and turning to drugs and a life of crime.

Act now for our nation sake
Write to your local MP